Looking for a Venue to host your own Private Christmas Party for your Business or group.
The Whitby Hall will be Festively decorated and ready for rental from Nov 2014 through to January 2015.
The cost to rent will be $813.75 (from 12 noon Friday or Saturday until 3am).
Remember this price includes GST and Hall clean up and the hall will be decorated and ready to go.
You will still be required to provide Liquor license and Insurance, as well as caters, music, drive home service, etc., the Whitby Community League is only making the hall available to rent. We will also require a $500 damage deposit, as long as there is no damage this cheque is not cashed.
Date: Saturday December 13th, 2014
Cost: $40/person
Time: cocktails 5:30pm dinner at 7pm dance to follow
Music provided by: Damn it Jim (covering great classic rock that everyone can dance to and enjoy)
Check out their website at www.damn-it-jim.com
Drive home service will be available from 10pm to 1am
Only Advance tickets are sold
This event is for members and invited guests only